Today Show gives psycho from Psycho Ex-wife blog valuable air time

Dad behind ‘psycho ex-wife’ blog protests its shutdown  

I couldn’t think of a less deserving man to give such valuable air time to on the lofty topic of freedom of speech.But, you know, maybe discussing these psychotic angry divorced men might give people a clue as to what ex-wives are dealing with.

The guy was ordered to shut his blog down, so now he’s protesting it’s his freedom of speech to bash his ex-wife. [The very same guy that discusses parental alienation — the pseudo-scientific term that claims (mostly) women poison kid’s minds against them – is, umm, poisoning his kids – and about 200,00 readers (per month) – minds.] They said on the Today Show his blog was inaccurate, belittling, and “outright cruel.” Matt Lauer (who typically rolls his eyes at anything feminist-sounding) said that’s what blogs are all about (not sure what blogs he reads but I often thought he was a Men’s Rights Activist in disguise so he must be reading those – that would certainly account for the cruelty he’s reading).

Fortunately, they did present the wife’s side and she came off very rationale.

So, I wonder, why is it that when women badmouth their exes it’s parental alienation and when men do it, it’s their freedom of speech?

2 comments on “Today Show gives psycho from Psycho Ex-wife blog valuable air time

  1. miss j says:

    A case? Many women have been gagged by the court – mandated not to talk or write about their cases. I’ve yet to hear of men gagged by the court -not saying it doesn’t happen, but I come across cases on mothers but not fathers.

    Dontdatehimgirl — maybe if the 35-year-old Maryland woman who is missing (and most believe she was killed) had known about her partner’s past, she wouldn’t be missing (or dead). Abusers don’t come with a sign on their forehead – I’m open to any kind of options of finding out about a person’s abusive past – esp, if it will save lives.

    Badmouthing an exclusive right to women? That’s funny. I see you don’t search the Internet. Ever been to angry harry’s site? Any fathers rights sites?

    Misogyny abounds on the Internet.

  2. Ranma says:

    “So, I wonder, why is it that when women badmouth their exes it’s parental alienation and when men do it, it’s their freedom of speech?”

    Has there ever been a case where a women had to shut down her website because she bad mouthed her ex? Do you support shutting down for doing the same? Or is badmouthing someone a right exclusive to women?

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