What does it take to get a child abuser national attention? Being a female?

Could you name 3 parents that’ve killed their own kids? I imagine Susan Smith would come to mind…Casey Anthony is currently in the news… But — can you name any men who’ve killed their kids?

What does it take for a male child abuser (killer) to get national media attention – and a debate on child abuse (or better yet, child protection)? Do you have to be a female?

Here’s an article about a 6’10” male that THREW a baby and beat him until he died. Hello, national media? This is not an isolated case – many men are in the local news who beat babies, infants, and kids. What the hell does it take to propel them to national news – and consciousness? 

DCF takes blame for beating death of Tampa baby

Kirkland-Williams, who is 6-feet-10, was charged on Thursday with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse. Deputies say he admitted that he attacked the child while angry with Ezekiel’s mother.

She wasn’t in the room when he threw the child, he said. He aimed for the bed, but the baby struck a dresser, he told investigators.

Next, he said, he put the baby in bed on his stomach. Ezekiel would not stop crying, so the boyfriend hit him twice on his back, deputies reported.

Why does beating a baby not warrant national news? This is infuriating.

One comment on “What does it take to get a child abuser national attention? Being a female?

  1. […] Again, fatherhood – exhalation. A Fathers Rights to Abuse and to kill. See Dastardly Dads for more article on KILLER DADS: http://dastardlydads.blogspot.com/ Amplify’d from mediamisses.wordpress.com […]

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