Take that Roy Black…a voice for victims talks back regarding the “false allegations” hysteria

Perps 1 Victims 0

Until Susan Brownmiller wrote a rebuttal to Roy Black’s power-to-the-perps article (see post below for Black’s article) that is.

Accused rapists don’t need more protections

Roy Black says with bitterness that it’s easier today than it’s ever been to get a conviction. He should have said that it is hypothetically easier to get a conviction. Rape is still the most under-reported crime in the nation, and convictions for rape have not increased dramatically since rape shield laws were put into effect during the 1970s to level the courtroom playing field by limiting the scope of inquiry into a victim’s past sexual history. I am all for rape shield laws because there are too many people out there who still want a rape victim to be pure in the Santa Maria Goretti tradition. Eleven-year-old Maria Goretti (1890-1902) was canonized as a saint for gladly dying in her struggle to defend her virginity in a sexual assault. Santa Maria does not match the profile of a typical rape victim.

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